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Case Study Videos

QHSE Compliance Management: Geographe Excavation and Underground Power

In this video Sarah Gatty, Compliance Administrator at GEOX Geographe Excavation and Underground Power, explains how Mango Software transformed the way that the company manages their QHSE compliance requirements.

Prior to implementing Mango, GEOX used a combination of excel spreadsheets and paper to manage their compliance requirements. This system made it difficult to keep on top of staff qualifications and there was no follow-up procedure meaning important compliance activity was being forgotten.

Mango’s automated integrated management system solved this pain by ensuring nothing gets left out. Watch the video to find out how Mango solved their compliance issues.

Compliance Management Software Solutions: Hovey Group

In this video Ian Prosser, Systems Manager at the Hovey Group, explains how Mango Software transformed the way that the company manages their QHSE compliance requirements.

Prior to implementing Mango, the Hovey Group used a paper-based system to manage their compliance activities. They had spreadsheets, documents, and policies located all over the show making it difficult to manage and communicate compliance activity.

Mango’s streamlined management system fixed these issues, making sure no compliance activities gets forgotten. Watch the video to learn how.

In this video Thomas Carr, Managing Director at CB Traffic Solutions, explains how Mango Software transformed the way that the company manages their QHSE compliance requirements.

Prior to implementing an integrated management system with Mango, CB Traffic used a paper-based system to manage their compliance. As you can imagine, this was inefficient and created several bureaucratic issues.

CB Traffic Solutions has been using Mango since 2016, using it to manage their audit requirements, certifications, the day-to-day running of operations and to track vehicle maintenance. Watch the video to learn how CB Traffic Solutions are using Mango to their advantage.

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