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Learn Quality Management

TQM (Total Quality Management)


What is TQM? 

Total Quality Management (TQM) is all about continuous improvement.  

TQM is a strategy that every staff member contributes to improving your processes, products, services, and culture.

This strategy challenges some of the fundamental assumptions about managing an organisation. It has been said to be an “enhancement to the traditional way of carrying out business”. 

TQM changes the relationships between managers and staff.  It gives you a new focal point for your workplace.  It looks to have multi-skilled teams of employees who take charge and manage their own work.  This involves placing a large focus on the continuous improvement of their work processes, with the goal of achieving the organisations objectives and providing customer satisfaction. 

The three basic principles that form TQM are: 

  1. Customer-focused quality: As with many of the other systems relating to quality, it is evident that quality begins with the customer, which TQM strongly aligns with. When setting up a TQM system, it is imperative to remember that at the end of the day, it will only be the customer who sets the standard of quality for your product or service. Therefore, it is important that the final product or service being handed over to the customer is nil of any defects or imperfections. There is no use spending huge amounts of time on training employees or improving processes if the final customer does not view your product as high quality.
  2. Quality through people: The position of an organisation can be enhanced through the skills of the employees at the organisation. It will be highly beneficial for your business to involve its own people in the development process of the products and services. Often the employees may have a perspective of something that no one else gets to see or pick up on.
  3. A scientific approach to problem-solving and improvement: This relates to actually discovering the root cause of problems, rather than relying on guesswork or instinct. This means it is important to use data and research in your decision-making process.

Benefits of TQM

  • Flat structure improves communication and shared power – reduction in hierarchical issues
  • Relationships are not based on position – they are informal and aim to use everyone’s skills to get the job done
  • Decisions will be based on facts and solutions agreed on collectively
  • Managers do not make all the decisions – they support staff to make their own decisions. This improves self-confidence among employees.
  • Problem-solving focus will encourage initiatives

ISO 9001

ISO (International Organisation for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental organisation representing the National Standard Institutes of over 150 countries. They develop and publish international standards in response to the needs of the international market and global expert opinions.

ISO 9001 is the internationally accepted standard for quality management.

The ISO 9001 standard is focused on helping businesses improve their quality control. It sets out the criteria for a quality management system and can be used by any organisation, large or small.

Become compliant and certified to ISO 9001 with QSM Group. Contact us today.

Take QHSE management at your organisation to the next level with QSM Group's QHSE training services.

Tools & Resources

Quality Improvement Form Template Quality Health Safety Environment Management Compliance Services Australia QHSE Consulting And Auditing Mango Compliance Software Solutions

Quality Improvement Form

PDF Form

Quality Policy Quality Health Safety Environment Management Compliance Services Australia QHSE Consulting And Auditing Mango Compliance Software Solutions

Quality Policy

PDF Document

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