There are differing legal requirements for your organisation regarding health and safety, depending on what industry you operating in and the location you operate from. We suggest you contact your lawyer or your local industry association and ask what legal requirements must be met
You need to think about your business and what are your critical risks.
Many organisations have the impression that they are required to record their health and safety efforts on paper. While this may be beneficial to some organisations, it is not actually a requirement, and other practices could work just as good, if not better.
For organisations in Western Australia, the legislation that governs workplace health and safety has recently been updated.
Taking effect from March 2022, the WA Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) aims to better protect WA workers by imposing broader responsibilities and tougher penalties.
The WHS Act will replace:
The existing Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984; and,
Workplace health and safety elements of both the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 and the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Safety Levies Act 2011.
Basically, everyone in WA is impacted by the new legislation. The WHS Act is intended to cover all aspects of health and safety in every WA workplace.