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Frequency Rates: Are they useful?

In this video, QSM Group’s director and nine other Mango Software partners discuss frequency rates and whether or not they are useful.

The frequency rate is the number of occupational accidents with leave per one million hours worked, in a period of 12 months.

Mango partners featured in this video are:

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  • There is no way of predicting the future but you will be gathering a lot of data (which is what the world is now revolving around);
  • Randomness means there may be some limitations to frequency rates;
  • Benefits of frequency rates include bench marking comparison across industry standards;
  • Issues can arise due to lack of clear standards when industries measure rates;
  • Issues that smaller companies may face is finding it hard to actually see a trend with the rates;
  • Some businesses will purposely try to keep the numbers low – meaning they are not a true reflection;
  • It would be beneficial to review the standard so this could work better into the future; and,
  • Frequency rates are not the be-all and end-all.
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